Why can’t I see my sister? When can I see my sister next? Why doesn’t my sister live near us? These are just a taste of the questions my 6-year-old has been asking lately about my birth-daughter, Chelsey. When...
Well! You are 9 months and one week old, and you are also 40 WEEKS old…you’re as old as I was pregnant! (Well, technically, I was 41 weeks with you, but you know. Close enough.) It’s crazy to think that...
Mommy Wars. I’ve only recently witnessed the cyber storm of cat fighting and that we are at the height of tensions and opinions when it comes to moms simply trying to raise their children. In the age of technology...

A Series of Moments

I love my neighborhood. I don't think I can say that enough. I love my neighborhood. We are blessed to have built our family home over the course of 2015. I originally convinced my husband to buy a lot...
I am pregnant! I just hit the 22-week mark and have emerged from the fog of the first trimester. This pregnancy has been different from my first pregnancy. Maybe it’s because I’m a few years older than I was...
  Getting pregnant was such an exciting thing. I don't think I have ever seen my husband smile so big when I told him. I was excited from the get-go, but also nervous about labor and delivery. The first time...
Surprise! I remember going to the OB office to get these weird cramps looked at. Honestly, I thought I had cancer. My kids were six and nine so I knew I definitely couldn’t be pregnant- I was on birth control...
Dear Baby, You've been growing in my womb now for over 30 weeks now. It seems like forever ago that I took that positive pregnancy test and started noticing my growing belly. Now the third trimester is here and the...

Loving Myself for My Kids

{Photo credit: JaneCane Photography} “New Year New You.” “Bikini Body.” “Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back.” Having worked at an eating disorder facility for nearly a decade, you can imagine I have quite a few feelings about these statements and a...

Mom To All Boys

I had always wanted a little girl. I remember being pregnant with my first child and hoping and wishing for "it" to be a girl. My doctor didn't believe in ultrasounds so I never had one with that pregnancy. It...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...