Dear Daughter, Just like every August, we’ve done everything we need to do: bought new shoes, gathered new school supplies, and spiffed up the school uniform. However, this year won’t be like the others. This year you go into the...
It’s summer, and in our house, inevitably it’s time for the age-old question: “Can I play video games?” And it’s not just video games. It’s screen time on iPads, watching tv, and computer games that my kids just can’t...
Happy Pride Month! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Celebrate pride and the beauty of equality all year round by padding your home library with some great LGBTQ+ children's book recommendations to read with your kids. Storytime before bed is a favorite tradition in our...
Easter baskets

Top 6 Easter Basket Ideas

Easter is sneaking up on us and I'm starting to pull together my Easter Basket Ideas. When our littlest was a baby, the Easter Bunny had this brilliant idea to color code the eggs. He left each kid a...
When daylight savings time hits I get the urge to do some spring cleaning. This year, I looked at all the old diaper boxes we saved and filled with clothes that our daughter had outgrown and I decided it...
It’s officially a new year and like everyone, I’m thinking about goals and new beginnings. I’ve recently stopped drinking alcohol (post an over-indulgence on Halloween), and am giving my precious body a break. I’m committing to six months alcohol-free! I’m...
Halloween is right around the corner and parents across the land are shaking in their boots. Though I suppose some might be afraid of ghosts and goblins, the child-asked question of “What am I going to be for Halloween?”...
There are two kinds of parents: ones who never want summer to end and those who would love year round school (maybe with a few breaks sprinkled in). I'd say I lean toward the second group. I’m not saying...
Back in May I took a 2 night trip up the Shore by myself. I needed a few days to not be touched or needed by another human. I was so ready to be done with breastfeeding that there...
There are so many things we've had to do differently thanks to Covid-19, including education. Distance learning threw a lot of parents a big twist and made the school year full of new challenges. Having kids home during the...

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"Help! I have a family milestone we are celebrating and I need recommendations for photographers near Duluth, MN!" Is this you commenting in a local...