Anxiousness runs in my blood. Like sap from a 100 year old tree, it flows through my roots and limbs, waiting to be spilled and free. I spent most of my adult life waiting for the anxiety to spill...
I trudge down the stairs into the building's basement, wind my way through the dark skinny corridor to the Lactation Room, a tiny office that hasn’t been utilized for anything besides storage and expressing breast milk since the 1970s...
Let’s sing it together (think Rent’s Seasons of Love)... Two hundred sixty four thousand four hundred minutes. This is the time I’ve spent breastfeeding. Okay, so the number is a guesstimate and may be hard to understand so to further...
As you prepared for parenthood, did anyone warn you with statements like, "your life is over"? Whether you heeded this warning or not, you probably knew that your life would surely be different. You prepared for that the best...
Duluth Mom is thrilled to announce that we are bringing Bloom back to our city for the 4th year in a row as a VIRTUAL event! This exclusive event is geared towards moms, dads, and grandparents who are planning to...
Our community is fully understanding that staying at home benefits and safeguards Emergency Room staff, ICU staff, and general health care practitioners. Their job descriptions evolve on an hourly basis due to Covid-19. Last week, I had a first-hand...
Dear Son, In three months… in three weeks… now we are down to counting only three days. You hold up your hand in an OK sign to show me how many fingers are left until your new sister comes into...
April 10, 2020 had been marked on my calendar for close to three months. This was the day that our son was scheduled to be born via c-section. I had everything planned: activities we were going to do with...
One in four, I am sure anyone who has had a miscarriage knows that daunting fact. One in four women have experienced the loss of a miscarriage. I am now in a new statistic; one in a hundred, and...
  Ok, the title is a little misleading, I don't hate EVERYONE, but I didn't realize how many people I didn't like when I started to name my kiddos.   Ever since I was a little girl, I have had names...

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Find Photographers Near Duluth MN | Tell Your Family’s Story

"Help! I have a family milestone we are celebrating and I need recommendations for photographers near Duluth, MN!" Is this you commenting in a local...