Staying up late is my favorite! I’m a night-owl, always have been. Put me in bed with a glass of wine, a book, and a cozy blanket and I am in the place where I feel most myself. There’s...
It’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and all month long I’ve been reading beautifully-written and harrowing stories of miscarriage, stillbirth, sudden infant loss, infant loss due to underlying medical conditions, and termination due to fatal chromosomal abnormalities, but...
I am writing this at a time where you’re likely welcoming the end of the school year with open arms...and I am doing the opposite. You see, I’m going to miss you. I’m going to miss you because my...
Before you continue, answer the following: Do you feel like you’re missing a connection with your spouse? Are you consistently impatient with your kids? Have you been neglecting your own individual needs or interests? Exhausted from constant juggling of bills, childcare, errands, work,...
It's that time of year again! The end of school is finally here. It's okay if that fact makes you want to cry both tears of joy and stress at the same time. I know we thought it would...
On my first backpack trip, I packed a lot of little things I thought I might need for the journey. I rationalized that it wouldn’t make that much difference if I brought one more thing, “just in case.” It...
It’s 9:30 am. I just got dressed. As I lug the first (and, as it turns out, the only) load of laundry through the kitchen, past the dishes that have sat for a few days, past the breakfast table that...
So first of all, I want to remind you all that I'm no Martha Stewart, Barefoot Contessa, or Giada De Laurentiis. I am just a mom with average cooking skills who just really likes hosting and holidays. Here are...
When daylight savings time hits I get the urge to do some spring cleaning. This year, I looked at all the old diaper boxes we saved and filled with clothes that our daughter had outgrown and I decided it...
My dad always used to love to reference our “Fresh Country Air”, but in my eye-rolling-quick-to-assume days of youth, I always thought he was somehow referencing the pungent odor of manure. What IS “Fresh Country Air”? I simply couldn’t...

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"Help! I have a family milestone we are celebrating and I need recommendations for photographers near Duluth, MN!" Is this you commenting in a local...