I am that girl.
That girl who signs up for gym memberships but never utilizes them. This is embarrassing to admit, but I had a gym membership for around 4 years at one of those franchise places and guess how many times I used it? 15, if that.
When my middle son, Gus, was two and a half, our sensory struggles started. He would have multiple meltdowns a day; more than the average “terrible twos” temper tantrums. His meltdowns would leave both Gus and myself in tears...
I mean, I get the idea of car seats for safety reasons and all, but why on God’s green earth do they have to be so difficult to install? Why do I dread switching them from one vehicle to...
My kids are decent at playing alone when I’m out of sight. If I’m switching out the laundry, folding clothes, or putting them away... okay, that's basically it; those are the only activities I can do where the kids...
If you know me personally, I think it would be fairly easy for you to assume that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: it's not! I am a WOO...
Raise your hand if you currently struggle or have ever struggled with feeding your toddler! Now I believe that everyone has their hand up, and if you don’t, I bow down to you. I have tried every trick in...
I'm a big fan of humor; there is nothing better in the world than laughing those big belly laughs that make tears stream down your cheeks. I've also adopted self-deprecating humor as a way to embrace my flaws. Don't...
I have four kids and I remember being so scared to have The Talk with them. I’m not sure why because my parents were never awkward about it with me. They gave me factual information and always told me...
The holidays spark all the feels. The cherished moments with kids, extended family, special events, and food "Glorious Food". I think the actual definition of the holidays is "eat all the rich, heavy decadent, savory morsels. Put the scales...
It's that time of year where your Facebook feed was recently covered in adorable pictures of toddlers in their first day of school outfits heading off to new and refreshing adventures. At first, your heart is overflowing until you...