There are few better ways to spend a summer night in Duluth;  Hot dogs, watermelon, kids playing in the yards, and fun conversations.
Racing for the Cure I'll never forget my first "Race for The Cure" I ever participated in... My aunt lived in Peoria, IL and once a year my mom would pack the car up to head our family south to...
Cancer sucks. I wish I were more eloquent but: cancer sucks. It has been both my personal and professional experience that not only does it suck, but it’s also a thief! A cancer diagnosis and the associated treatment(s) (surgery,...
I love Duluth. Even in the winter. I have since I was a little girl. For those of you who frequent Canal Park, Downtown, or the Bayfront, it hasn't always been this developed for lack of a better word. Duluth...
2018 Duluth Mom of the Year! You already know her. She's the mom who is likely short on time. She could be ultra organized or completely scatterbrained. Her kids are perfectly poised or total monkeys. She either manages the house,...

Why This City Girl Gardens

I know. I know. You’re thinking, “Lady, I don’t have a green thumb. In fact, if there were such a thing as a thumbless gardener, that’d be me. I can not grow stuff in gardens!" Here’s my secret. I kill...
Sometimes it's okay to admit we can't be it all. I can't do everything and do everything supermom does. I can't even do what her sidekick does. It takes courage to admit when we fall. Sometimes I crash too. It's okay to "couch parent" after the rough nights, and have the extra latte to get you through the day.
It’s been said, “If your marriage can survive building a house together, then it can survive anything.” This quote came to mind this morning while I was washing dishes in my brand-new, farmhouse-style white kitchen sink (oh yes, the...
I was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago. Saying “I got into a car accident” really isn’t accurate because the other driver accepted full responsibility. I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Telling...
While the Twin Ports has an endless amount of fun to offer families by the way of eateries, shopping, events, and outdoor trails, sometimes it's nice to step out of our comfort zones and see what else the North...

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Guide To Duluth

Memorial Day: All Gave Some, Some Gave All

Most people think of Memorial Day as the official start of summer; that it's a three-day weekend spent opening up the lake cabin or...