Imagine not having your cell phone to text anyone. No Facebook to check a profile, and no Instagram to peek at a friend's story (or a stranger's!). How about not being able to keep track of your preteen or...
Two years ago, our autistic middle son, Gus, rode his bike off of our normal path. He moved very quickly. We lost him. My husband jumped on his bike and rode the surrounding blocks yelling for him but we...
Television commercials and Lifetime Channel movies always make the holidays appear to be stress-free. Moms have perfect manicures and make perfect turkeys. Everyone exchanges intricately wrapped and trimmed gifts. Reality looks a little different, right? You think that mani/pedi...
For some reason, Easter Sunday always seems to sneak up on us. Maybe it's because the date changes from year to year. Maybe it's because the snow on the ground doesn't exactly scream "spring". Or maybe it's because we're...
Photography Credit: Picture the Essence PhotographyEarlier this fall, Duluth Moms Blog had a blast helping Marshall School show off their newly remodeled art and music wings for our Moms Night Out. Of course it wouldn't be a DMB event...
Social media. You will hear 100 different opinions about it from 100 different people: the good, the bad, the preferences, the rules, the amount of time you should spend on it. I have found that I take Facebook less...
After dinner the other night, one of my sons told me to look at the gold medal around his neck.  There wasn’t actually a medal, but I knew what his imagination was referencing. Just one day earlier, I had...
I love Duluth. Even in the winter. I have since I was a little girl. For those of you who frequent Canal Park, Downtown, or the Bayfront, it hasn't always been this developed for lack of a better word. Duluth...
Remember how naive we all were back in, say, May, when we thought Halloween was so far off and things would totally be back to "normal" by the time the fall holiday rolled around? Yet here we are, Halloween so...
I love Chester Bowl Fall Fest. It has a little bit of a Stars Hollow feel to it - any Gilmore Girl lovers out there? At this festival, you are going to see neighbors, eat food, do a little...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...