Our family's passion is travel. We love nothing more than packing a bag and taking our kids to a destination that we’ve never explored before. So far in 2019, we have trips booked to Portugal, England, and the Canary...
When our family took our first trip to Disney World, I knew that bringing our newly-turned one-year old would be a challenge. She was still nursing voraciously, and demanded I pull out a boob at a whim. I usually...
If you know me personally, I think it would be fairly easy for you to assume that Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, but I’ll let you in on a little secret: it's not! I am a WOO...
No gift for your certain someone? No problem. In the midst of a pandemic, we're all feeling chained to our homes, but how often have you actually been home alone? Remember in the movie, Home Alone, when Kevin wakes...

A Very Vintage Christmas

It’s the holiday season, my friends, less the snow. Your holiday preparations are likely in full swing, and you’ve probably bought presents, put up ye old Christmas tree, and maybe even done some holiday baking. I have a confession to...

DIY: Simple Coatrack

Calling all ladies who want to complete a project and have it STAY that way.  Meals. Laundry. Cleaning. NEVER stay done. But this will! Let's get our build on and make a DIY coatrack.   My name is Anna, and sawdust is...
Budgeting. Quick poll: did you quiver at the word or rejoice? Perhaps a little of both? Odds are, you likely recognize the importance of budgeting but shudder at the state of your family finances. That is okay. That’s why you’re here. Our...
After you have kids, everything changes. At Duluth Mom we 100 percent are alllll for being comfortable in the body you are in, proud of what it has done, and not feeling like you have to cover anything up....
Making the decision to homeschool is a big deal. It is a huge choice to make for your family and it can feel overwhelming. Unfortunately the decisions don't stop after you've made your choice; there are more steps you'll...

A Succulent Infatuation

My succulent infatuation is strong. Last summer, most of my hanging baskets and deck plants contained succulents in some way, shape or form. My friends made fun of me but there is just something about tiny plants that are...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...