No gift for your certain someone? No problem. In the midst of a pandemic, we’re all feeling chained to our homes, but how often have you actually been home alone? Remember in the movie, Home Alone, when Kevin wakes up in his house and does everything he wants? He had no interruptions, no loud family and didn’t have to compromise on the movie/TV selection. Well, you can give your partner a version of that, at little to no cost.
Here’s how:
- Offer to take the kids out of the house for a set period of time. Define how long it will be and be sure to hold up to it. Guarantee you will not return home before that time.
- Encourage them to relax, however that looks for them. Make sure they know this is free time for them and there is no responsibility to do any tasks/chores/cleaning etc.
- Encourage them to silence their phone. Do a little research ahead of time and see if you can put their phone in a ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode that would allow only you or anyone else who needs to get ahold of them in an actual emergency.
- Have a plan on how you will entertain and feed the kids, since it’s so simple in the midst of a pandemic.
Here are ideas on what to do with the kids:
- Go sledding, skating, or hiking. If you don’t have the appropriate gear, ask if you can borrow it from a friend. Something as simple as a diaper box can be flattened and used as a sled.
- Drive around and look at lights or walk around your neighborhood.
- Have a car picnic with food from home or support a local business and order curbside.
- Check out new books or DVDs from the library and enjoy them in the car. Get cozy with blankets and pillows in the back. Pack the tablet or portable DVD player, if you have them.
- Check out a new park, trail, or playground. Drive up the shore and adventure to Gooseberry Falls.
- Park somewhere with a view, such as Skyline Parkway where you can see the lights from Bentleyville and enjoy chatting with your kids. This is a great chance to talk about the importance of self-care and stress reduction. Or just tell fart jokes, if that’s more your style.
If you really want to make it on the nice list with your partner, and you have the finances to support it, you could gift them a small basket with items they would enjoy (favorite snacks/drinks, bath items, a new book) while you’re gone. Don’t forget something as simple as ensuring the bedsheets are clean can be extremely thoughtful. The great part is you can cater this gift to your loved one, and hopefully make their holiday a little brighter this year. Last but not least, can someone send this post to my husband?!