Hi there! My name is Ashley and I have been a Financial Counselor for 15 years, specializing in housing and debt counseling. My husband and I both grew up in Duluth. We have been married 16 years and we...
I was with a friend the week that Amazon promoted their big Prime event. She uses their Prime Pantry service. I have had Amazon Prime for almost a year. Two day shipping? Yes, please! Although I have not utilized...
"I'm bored!" Those words can be some of the most aggravating words to hear as a parent. Sure, it makes sense if you are in the grocery check out line or even in the car, but at home? When...
Doldrums: a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. Doesn't this sound exactly like winter in the Twin Ports? I know I am a bit of a rarity in northern Minnesota/Wisconsin in that I don’t really like the...
All right. Are you sitting down while you read this post? Because I don’t want to inadvertently make your blood pressure spike or cause you to break out in a cold sweat. Both of those things used to happen...
Making the decision to homeschool is a big deal. It is a huge choice to make for your family and it can feel overwhelming. Unfortunately the decisions don't stop after you've made your choice; there are more steps you'll...
"To get your kids to enthusiastically clean, all you have to do is become Messy Monster," I explained to my friend. "What is Messy Monster?" my intrigued mom-friend inquired. "You just proclaim to your kids that you're Messy Monster while using a...
My husband and I often reminisce about our saltine crackers with peanut butter days. If we had a particularly good paycheck back then, we’d use bread and feel like total ballers. (Now, my number one priority is meal planning...
It's a right of passage for parents, you know, that moment when kids get their first LEGO® set to build. Not the chunky LEGO Duplos but the full-blown sets of LEGO bricks with hundreds of tiny pieces that help...
Let's face it, once we move past mourning of the summer season we all get a giddy excitement in the pit of our stomachs. We get to once again send our little ones off on their grand academic adventures....

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...