Through Her Eyes: The Teenage Perspective is a short series highlighting the written works of two young students from Marshall School. During Marshall’s iTerm series, eight writers took a class with teacher (and Duluth Moms Blog contributor) Heather Call...
Empty nest. The time when parents learn to live life without their offspring under the same roof. A time where life changes, somewhat drastically. Whether it be college, marriage, or just moving out and moving on, the changes can...
_ Here are a few proposals my campaign team, Moms for Mondays, would like to introduce to help jump start your week and make Mondays great again!   Prep Your Wardrobe Select daily outfits for yourself and your kids over the weekend...
September of 2017 was the beginning of another chapter in our household. My wife and I decided that it would be best for her to work full time and for me to quit my part time job and be...
The other day I had an awakening. Some of the things we do as parents have a direct correlation to the way we were parented ourselves. That could mean something different for every one of us, which also means...

Parenting a Blended Family

I was driving to the grocery store with my husband’s daughter one morning. He wasn’t actually my husband then, and she was a squeaky-voiced elementary school girl who was with us for her weekend visitation. It was summer in...
I get a little embarrassed when I’m in public with my kids and strangers kindly make conversation with them. They respond by blatantly turning their heads away and acting as though they are mute. I know they’re not. They...
We don't eat out much in our house. With boys 2 and 5, it isn't the kind of dining experience my husband and I dreamed about before we had kids. Our most recent night out to a sit-down restaurant...
Everything I own is broken. I mean, not really, but basically. I have nineteen remote controls that operate exactly zero things. There’s probably a raccoon in the attic again. Either that or an army of voles. I had to look up what...
I vividly remember holding each of my girls for the first time. It's hard to put that moment into words. But all of a sudden it hit me. The realization that this little person is now mine. My child...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...