If you’ve flown recently or have even looked at the prices of flights, you know the total cost is a punch to the gut. Struggling with the reality of the cost to fly our family of six from the...
Television commercials and Lifetime Channel movies always make the holidays appear to be stress-free. Moms have perfect manicures and make perfect turkeys. Everyone exchanges intricately wrapped and trimmed gifts. Reality looks a little different, right? You think that mani/pedi...
It starts with a hand shake and a coin toss.  It is relatively quiet at the beginning - just small talk amongst the teammates and competitors.  I am usually the first up for my team.  I get down and...
Empty nest. The time when parents learn to live life without their offspring under the same roof. A time where life changes, somewhat drastically. Whether it be college, marriage, or just moving out and moving on, the changes can...

My New Normal

I have been running my small business for seven years in addition to taking care of my family and working a full time job. For the most part, it was all working out great. I would run my business in the evenings...
Well, we made it through Christmas and my daughter STILL believes in Santa Claus. She’ll be 8 in a few months. How can this be? I never thought in a gazillion years she would still have this unwavering faith in the...
Sure, I may have recently sent my youngest out the door to preschool, but parenthood hasn’t stolen all of my brain cells yet. I haven’t forgotten those early days of mothering: heavy, milk-engorged breasts leaking against a tattered nursing...
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go!  Holiday travel season is upon us and that means you will probably be bundling up the kids, packing them in the car and traveling at least a...
The holidays are my thing. Come November 1st, I’m the obnoxious lady humming Christmas carols and browsing Target for a fancy new tree skirt as onlookers stare in contempt, nursing their sugar crash hangovers from binge candy eating the night...
I think I might have been one of those parents the other day. You know, someone who annoyingly thinks that their kids are the most talented or the smartest. I didn’t think I was capable of that, quite honestly,...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...