On my first backpack trip, I packed a lot of little things I thought I might need for the journey. I rationalized that it wouldn’t make that much difference if I brought one more thing, “just in case.” It...

Mom Guilt

Why on earth do we put so much pressure on ourselves as moms? We have a constant inner battle with ourselves to do better or be better. Being a mom comes with enough challenges as it is. Adding “mom guilt”...
Milestones. Life is full of them. At 15, we get our driver's permit. At 16, we can drive! At 18, we are considered adults and are released from the walls of high school and thrown into the real world....

Learning to Take Time for Me

Something happened to me in 2017, I woke up one day and realized how unhappy I was. I couldn't put my finger on why. I have a wonderful husband, active and healthy kids, a supportive circle of friends, and...

14 Days of Valentines

I’ve been a proponent of holidays for my entire life. I love to decorate and I love to give little gifts to my special people and Valentine’s Day is absolutely no different. Christmas decorations come down; hearts and red...
  This story is, unfortunately, not rare. It is not specifically different or worse than anyone else's. This story is one you may have even heard before - or experienced yourself. One of frustration and pain and hurt and loss....
“Your baby has a birth defect.”  Words no mother should ever have to hear.  Yet there I was at a measuring ultrasound, with a new doctor who specialized in ultrasounds because my regular OBGYN happened to be booked solid...
I was checking the date of my daughter’s next appointment in her online medical record account and there it was, “failure to thrive”. It was listed in black and white under her current medical problems. I knew in my...
I’m going to be honest with you. I spend the majority of my days in a haze of just barely getting by. It’s mid-winter, so at least one of my girls is sick with a cold. Or a flu....
A Mother's Heart Betrayed | Duluth Moms Blog

A Mother’s Heart Betrayed

I felt intensely bonded to my firstborn to the point where I sometimes thought other people who loved her as well felt that I was denying them their opportunities to connect with her. I ultimately saw myself gradually loosen my...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...