When the Bully Is You

One of the strongest parenting instincts we have is the need to protect our children from harm. Unfortunately harm can come in many forms and one danger always seems to be on our radar: Bullying. The last thing we...
Sure, I may have recently sent my youngest out the door to preschool, but parenthood hasn’t stolen all of my brain cells yet. I haven’t forgotten those early days of mothering: heavy, milk-engorged breasts leaking against a tattered nursing...
I remember it like yesterday, and working in the college readiness field, I think about it all the time. I was obsessed with my college search. In 10th grade my best friend and I would spend hours reading the...

Mom To All Boys

I had always wanted a little girl. I remember being pregnant with my first child and hoping and wishing for "it" to be a girl. My doctor didn't believe in ultrasounds so I never had one with that pregnancy. It...
For the final post in our Tales from the Birthing Center series, sponsored by St. Luke's, we decided to skip the interview with mom, Anna, and let her share her birth story in its entirety. She learns that there...
  I am the quintessential bandwagon slacker when it comes to working out. I join in on something, enjoy it for a while, and then fizzle out. It happens to the best of us, but it's so frustrating sometimes! Every time...
I remember when I was pregnant with my first child. I knew instinctively that I did not want to be a stay-at-home-mom. I don’t know if it was the beginnings of my postpartum depression or just me knowing where...
Back in May I took a 2 night trip up the Shore by myself. I needed a few days to not be touched or needed by another human. I was so ready to be done with breastfeeding that there...
Milestones. Life is full of them. At 15, we get our driver's permit. At 16, we can drive! At 18, we are considered adults and are released from the walls of high school and thrown into the real world....
It seems as though around the end of April and into the start of May, summer worms its way into my brain. In northern Minnesota, we still have the potential to get snow at the end of April, so...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...