Truthfully, I had every intention to write about streamers and recipes and throwing the perfect Valentine's party. And maybe another day I will. But for today, life feels all too fleeting. And my heart is stirring with this line...

Mommy Days

“You're gonna miss this.” “The days are long but the years are short.” I started out motherhood believing these little pieces of advice. I held my kids tight and I threw them ridiculously elaborate birthday parties and I reveled in the three little...
Captain’s Log, Stardate 10.19.2016 Our three-person crew entered Kinder Quadrant just six weeks ago, and we are still adjusting to this strange new world.   This morning, I came to realize it’s time for “The Talk.” “But Sarah,” I hear voices crying...
It happens right after Thanksgiving. Social media is flooded with images of little elves descending from the North Pole sent by Santa to watch over children. It's a national phenomena. Searching Pinterest there are hundreds and hundreds of pins...
Growing up, my childhood home was filled with shrieks from kids playing nerf wars and games of basketball. There were five of us siblings under one roof. I was the only girl so I was able to escape to...

I QUIT (yelling)!

I am tired of yelling. Tired of yelling at, with, and about my children. I do not want to yell. It is time to stop. I am not a “yeller” by nature, or nurture. I am lucky enough to...

In Defense of Pacifiers

Our now 3 year old loved her pacifiers with a devotion that is usually reserved for marriage or boy bands. My pre-mom persona was never going to give her baby a pacifier. I absolutely hated words like: binky, nook, bah-bah,...
If you have talked to any homeschooling families you probably have noticed that there is not ONE tried-and-true way to homeschool. You can ask the same question to a dozen families and get a dozen different answers. Each family...
  Big changes are happening in our family. Okay, that might be a tad dramatic to say since last year we made an international move and this is nowhere near as exciting. However, we are embarking on a new adventure come...
Living in the aftermath of an Amniotic Fluid Embolism has been really rough, almost worse than the event itself. Looking back, it feels like just a blink but the rest of my reality is a slow drag that never...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...