To many, the word minimalism is intimidating. The image that comes to mind when I think of minimalism is basically the opposite of the toys, clothing, and stuffed animals surrounding me. I imagine an empty white room with a...
I feel like I am a pretty good at keeping up with house hold chores. I vacuum regularly (although one of the main reasons I have dogs is so I don’t have to clean up all the food my...
Do you have gardens in your life that just aren’t “you”? Perhaps you’ve inherited someone else’s garden and landscape design through purchasing a home. Or maybe you’ve had your gardens for so long, you (or the plants) have outgrown...
  I've seen a meme floating around for the past couple of years--maybe you've seen it, too. There are three things listed on the meme: clean house, happy kids, and your sanity. The caption reads: "You can only have two."...
The birds are chirping, the trees are budding, and the sun is shining. Spring has finally decided to grace us with its presence. Can I get an amen? When spring rolls around I get an itch to organize, clean,...
This morning I woke up about five minutes before my alarm went off to the sound of my three year old daughter calling out to her sister: “Wake Up! Wake up!” I stumbled out of bed and rushed to...
What is the best place to be? Is it the beach? A restaurant? A church? A couch? I believe that the “best place to be” is different for every single person. What does a mom need? A child need?...
I cleaned my kitchen cabinets today. It wasn’t exactly what I had planned to do with my afternoon, but after being assaulted by a container of cumin and saving a bottle of balsamic from an untimely demise, I thought it...
The junk hunt has something for everyone. There are over a hundred booths filled with
One of my favorite places to visit in the spring, when there’s still the edge of latent cold in the air? The greenhouse. The flowers. The fragrances. The light. The promise of a beautiful garden all my own. Let’s be...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...