Raise your hand if you are forever looking for the other mitten that matches the one your child is demanding to wear. Or maybe you have a pile of artwork and whatever gets sent home from school that your...

In the Thick of It

The other day I wake up with the overwhelming feeling of...well, being overwhelmed!  Through the day I accomplish zero, zip, nada.  I think I spent an hour gazing out the window admiring the sun reflecting on the snow amidst...
It was winter when I first met Erin, cold and soggy and dark so early. We met at a short-lived evening MOPS meeting. She had a haircut that I envied, short and sassy, and man, she had all the...
  It's bound to happen. They can strike at any moment, in any setting, at any time. The minute the words slip out of their mouth your head drops and you try to avoid eye contact with any other grown-up...

In Defense of Pacifiers

Our now 3 year old loved her pacifiers with a devotion that is usually reserved for marriage or boy bands. My pre-mom persona was never going to give her baby a pacifier. I absolutely hated words like: binky, nook, bah-bah,...
In a world that is dominated by hand-made, home-made, home-grown, made from the heart; gifts, cards, valentines, invites, and all the other things that wind up in my kids cubby at school, I stick out like a sore thumb. This...
I’ve always enjoyed Christmas in a ho-ho-ho-hum sort of way. Sure, I am enchanted by Christmas lights, love some Christmas music (if they only could start playing it just a week ahead of time) and never met a Christmas cookie...
There are so many things we've had to do differently thanks to Covid-19, including education. Distance learning threw a lot of parents a big twist and made the school year full of new challenges. Having kids home during the...
Easy pregnancies, natural births, bringing my little bundles home happy and healthy. That's what I had planned. With both of my children, but it didn't happen that way. My pregnancies consisted of appointment after appointment. Disappointment after disappointment. And,...
What an incredible year this has been! Duluth Moms Blog is bursting with pride today on the first anniversary of our launch. We started out small and full of passion about what we wanted to do: bring a sense...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...