The Ten Year Plan

Years ago I worked for a specialized retailer in the mall. It is what I would call the beginning of my career, though at the time I didn’t realize it. I had been hired on as an assistant manager and...
I am an only child. Let me start by saying that I wouldn't change a thing.  But, let me explain to you a little about my childhood and how being the only one has shaped my journey in marriage, motherhood...

On Finding Your Mom Tribe

I remember walking up to the park in Iowa with a stroller and an excited boy. He was little, not quite two. I was a semi-stay at home mom, and when I wasn’t working my very, very part-time job (a...
Especially on the rainy days in Duluth families can be unsure of what activities there are for entertainment. Libraries are a great place to spend time with the kids (all ages) and let their imaginations wander. All events are...

A New Way to Spell Love

This fall, I started reading a book called How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk. Each week I meet with a group of women to talk about the book, brainstorm parenting suggestions and...
Did you run out of meal ideas? In a time crunch? Need someone else to do the dishes? Here are Duluth's Reader Response to where you and your kids can get great meals free or discounted.  Other great suggestions...
It was almost a year ago that we moved to the North Shore and started calling this place home. Over the course of the year, my oldest daughter, who is almost three, has fallen in love with Lake Superior....
To the mama overwhelmed by Christmas, We can’t grab coffee, though how dearly I wish we could. But let's pretend for a minute you squish into my couch and I pour you a cup of warm joe. I ask...
It’s November. And that means every family photographer you know currently has a diet consisting of coffee and Halloween candy and hasn’t showered in approximately six weeks (don’t worry, we all have backup deodorant in our car). As a photographer,...
The holidays are my thing. Come November 1st, I’m the obnoxious lady humming Christmas carols and browsing Target for a fancy new tree skirt as onlookers stare in contempt, nursing their sugar crash hangovers from binge candy eating the night...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...