Finding quick, healthy lunch options isn't always easy. Tonight we will be making Mason Jar Salads which can be prepped ahead of time and you can grab and go for healthy lunches during the busy week.
In this post, a few moms from the Duluth Mom contributor team share how they are good friends to Mother Earth on a regular basis - we hope their words inspire you to befriend Mother Earth outside of Earth...
It’s blueberry picking season in the Northland and, if you're like me, you're getting out and picking blueberries every chance you get. I try to pick around 15-20 pounds of blueberries a year from a couple different berry places...

To-Do List Tips

Why does it seem that to-do lists never end? Want to know what I just saw on mine? BLOG POST due tomorrow! Shoot! Did I do it again? I waited until the day before it was due? Really? Well...
The birds are chirping, the trees are budding, and the sun is shining. Spring has finally decided to grace us with its presence. Can I get an amen? When spring rolls around I get an itch to organize, clean,...
I moved into this house 6-months ago. I unpacked. I got a new area rug and a new couch. And thats it! No painting. No decorating. Only 1 picture hung (and only because the nail was already there and...

Treasures from the Dump

Now, the dump is not only a place to find piles of pallets and boards. You're probably reading this and thinking, what in the world am I going to do with a pile of scrap wood? Well, let me tell you. The DUMP has so much more to offer. It's one of my favorite places to shop in town.
It's 8pm. My kids are asleep.  The kitchen is (mostly) clean. I've been looking forward to this since the mail came. It's time for me to sit down at the computer and work on my new hobby: couponing!   I...
I know it's not true, but sometimes I feel like my kids' toys must be expanding, multiplying, and growing. I am not even sure how this is happening while at the same time toys inevitably go missing. Barbie shoes,...
For the past several decades, about 50% of our plastic waste, such as single use food packaging (chip bags, yogurt containers, fruit containers, etc.) straws, single use water and soda bottles, plastic cutlery, cling wrap and plastic grocery bags...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...