As a teacher, gifts of appreciation are not necessary. However, they do make the warm fuzzies show up! Doing an act of kindness out of obligation isn't really kindness, but when I want to do something nice, I always seem...

A Series of Moments

I love my neighborhood. I don't think I can say that enough. I love my neighborhood. We are blessed to have built our family home over the course of 2015. I originally convinced my husband to buy a lot...
It all starts in middle school, you learn a little about your body and why the things that are happening are happening. Then high school happens and you sit through some form of "Health" class. Well for me, birthing...
It's truly amazing to me just how resilient kids can be. When they get hurt, all they need is a band aid and they are back on their bike. When they are ill, they still want to play games...
I never intended to be a stay-at-home mom, but extra ordinary circumstances led me to be home with my baby for the first year of his life. At first it was great, I never really had to get dressed;...
  Getting pregnant was such an exciting thing. I don't think I have ever seen my husband smile so big when I told him. I was excited from the get-go, but also nervous about labor and delivery. The first time...
In my mind I was making it work, but in my heart I was completely broken. I needed a solution, and fast. There were sleepless nights and long days of thinking the same thing over and over again. With the...
Pinterest is blowing up with everything vintage and repurposed. Go ahead, search the word. Just try it. I did.  Up popped pictures of exquisite jewelry and a vintage vespa.  Old doors are made into headboards, and old headboards are made...

Success in Labor Defeat

When planning for my second child’s birth, I realized much of the information I collected surrounding VBACS was incomplete. Based on a combination of conversations with my OB, details of real people I know who succeeded, and some (potentially...

In the Thick of It

The other day I wake up with the overwhelming feeling of...well, being overwhelmed!  Through the day I accomplish zero, zip, nada.  I think I spent an hour gazing out the window admiring the sun reflecting on the snow amidst...

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Guide To Duluth

Easter Bunny, Brunch, Egg Hunts and Activities Near Duluth

There are so many opportunities to find a great Easter Brunch, Egg Hunts, and Activities in Duluth this Easter! We have everything we know...