Chelsey Slack

Chelsey Slack
Chelsey is a mom of two and lives in the Duluth area with her husband of over a dozen years. She’s a freelance writer, and passionately works in mental health and content strategy for Teladoc Health. You can find her writing about her experience placing her first born for adoption, mental health and wellness, and her experience raising a spirited, wild-hearted daughter. She’s been called resilient, steady and brave.

Meet Change, My New Best Friend

Just over two weeks ago, I fractured my left foot in two places. I was kickboxing in my garage and simply tripped. Who knew at 36 years old my bones were already this brittle!...

The Art of Apologizing

During this stay-at-home order over the past several weeks, I’m going to admit it’s been a daily challenge to maintain my patience—especially before my daily morning workout. It seems like the rest of the...

5 Tips for Building Up Resiliency

It’s been said, “If your marriage can survive building a house together, then it can survive anything.” This quote came to mind this morning while I was washing dishes in my brand-new, farmhouse-style white...

Follow the Rainbow: Finding My Way Through a Career Change

Last September while driving around town I saw a double rainbow twice in the same day. I posted the images I snapped on my iPhone onto Instagram and asked the question to my followers...

Oh, The Weather Out There is Frightful

On these cold weather days it is easy for me to question why I live here in Duluth, Minnesota. I’m sure there are others out there who are doing the same thing on the...

Our Annual Trip to the Duluth Winter Village

“It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…” I thought upon entering the Winter Village at the Glensheen Mansion this past Saturday. The earthy aroma of evergreens. The hum of cheery holiday shoppers carrying...

FORO: Fear of Retail Outlets

It’s early Saturday morning. For some reason I can’t sleep past 5am. I have "monkey brain" as a friend calls it. Round and round my mind replays my life’s latest worries and fears. So...

The Privilege of Parenting (And Other Life Responsibilities)

This week while driving my four-year-old home from preschool we start to talk about TV and why it’s not always healthy for our brains. She asked very pointedly, “Why isn’t it good for me...

An Open Letter to My Birth Daughter: An Adoption Story

If only... what if... Everyone has a story that often comes with regrets. But in this story there is no regret, only courage and love. This is the story of how and why I...

Choosing Joy: A Dog, A Stick, and Disco Therapy

As the fall season approaches I am cherishing these warm and sunny 60-degree mornings here in Duluth. As I write this, I’m lucky enough to have the day off work and be alone for...