Melainy Nickila
ISO: Best Mom Friend
I have never been the best at making friends. I can be reserved at first and am not good at small talk so diving...
The Love of a Dog
My first true love was a dog. Layla, a Blue Belton English Setter, came into my life September 2007 and she is still going...
Holiday Travel Tips and Tricks
Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go! Holiday travel season is upon us and that means you will probably...
Holiday Traditions: Chocolate Rolo Cookies {RECIPE}
Every Christmas my mom always goes all out making hundreds of cookies and other candies for all of our friends and family to enjoy. ...
The Perfect “Mom” Sport: Curling
It starts with a hand shake and a coin toss. It is relatively quiet at the beginning - just small talk amongst the teammates...
9/11: Remembering to Not Live in Fear
We all know where we were when it happened. I was home sick from school, lying in my mom’s bed watching The Price Is...
Fantasy Football Isn’t Just for Guys!
Fantasy Football is becoming more and more popular among men and women alike. According to the Fantasy Sports Trade Association roughly 17 million women in the U.S and Canada are currently playing Fantasy Football. I know some of you probably roll your eyes every time your significant other mentions Fantasy Football, but I am telling you there are so many great reasons for you to join in the fun.
Easy Cold Brew Coffee at Home
As the weather warms up here in Northern Minnesota and summer finally arrives I start thinking of how to up my iced coffee game....
5 Things to See and Do in Carlton County
When someone asks you what are some things to do in Duluth you usually say the Lake Walk, Canal Park, Aquarium, Bayfront, Glensheen, and...
Living with Wildlife
The recent news stories out of Duluth regarding the bear that was hibernating under a families’ porch all winter without them realizing it and...