Melainy Nickila
Daycare Saved My Sanity
I never intended to be a stay-at-home mom, but extra ordinary circumstances led me to be home with my baby for the first year of his life. At first it was great, I never...
Bath Time Is The Absolute Worst
Bath time is a necessary evil. From the time I brought my baby boy home over a year ago, I have hated bath time. The following are my many observations of bath time and...
Ode to My Breast Pump
My plan was to breastfeed; but that didn’t work out. Instead, for nine long months my breast pump would become my best friend. The following is my tribute to the machine that allowed me...
My Big Fat Pregnant Lies!
The saying is, “the truth will set you free,” so I am going to tell you the truth. I did not enjoy being pregnant. I was afraid to admit this all through my pregnancy...