Alyssa Holmstrom

Alyssa Holmstrom
Creative, always pondering and thinking, Alyssa Holmstrom loves the beautiful landscape Duluth has to offer. Reading a book, walking her beloved dog, cooking, or spending time with her strong and loving husband of six years, Todd are favorite pastimes of Alyssa's. Alyssa loves spending time with her friends. Her friends are so very important: making them laugh and drinking lots of coffee are her favorite ways to unwind! They are a true gift and bring much joy to her life! Walking together through infertility and adoption, they are enjoying their 2.5 year old toddler, and expecting another child early 2019.
infertility awareness duluth mom

So, When Are You Going to Have Kids?

Sometimes I have to be careful. When I am asked a question that I dislike, I go full sarcasm or even blatantly rude. Yikes,...

Stories With Toddlers: Promoting a Love of Reading

Is there anything better than a reading a good book? If you're an avid reader, it feels so good to slip into a new story,...

I Survived Year One of Baby

By the time this is published, my second child will be one. He is my first infant I’ve raised, as our oldest was done...

Instagram Parenting: Utilizing Social Media as a Helpful Resource

Social media. You will hear 100 different opinions about it from 100 different people: the good, the bad, the preferences, the rules, the amount...

Are You Okay, Momma?

Recently, the internet was a-buzz about an interaction with Megan Markle and an ITV news interviewer. You've probably seen it, a screen shot of...

Toddler Strengths and Weaknesses List

Today I did a thing. That thing was have a meeting with our daughter's new preschool teachers. How on earth my daughter is old...

I’m Not an Overprotective Mother: It’s a Plagiocephaly Helmet

It seems my children love orthotists. Or at least keeping one of the local clinics in business! Both kids see a specialist for different...

Saving Special Outfits for the Ordinary Days

I am in the process of trying to rewire my brain when it comes to my belongings. A lazy, slow path via Marie Kondo....

Self-Care Versus Self-Indulgence

Self-care is all the rage right now.  It's kind of been picked up by mommas as a mantra. A method to survive toddler tantrums...

Lip Ties and Lasers

When I was a kid, I was picked on for a few physical traits: a gap-tooth smile, my glasses, my short stature. My gap...