There are few better ways to spend a summer night in Duluth; Hot dogs, watermelon, kids playing in the yards, and fun conversations. Sometimes, it’s hard to build neighborly connections that allow this picturesque sunset event to blossom. Every first Tuesday in August, (Unless you are Texas and it’s 5,000 degrees- you are smart and do it in October.) everyone in the states and even Canada join in for National Night Out. This year, it’s Tuesday, August 1st.

Since 1983, National Night Out has joined law enforcement, neighbors and good food into a great night. It fosters positive neighborhood relationships.
Each neighborhood and street looks different- and so do the NNO events. Block parties are probably the most popular, but sometimes parades, festivals and other events are created. The possibilities are pretty open. Law enforcement visit where they can, and it can help create positive images for areas that need encouraging, and either way, what kid isn’t fascinated with a fire truck or a police officer coming down the street for fun?
Our street typically stays within the classic model- hot dogs, burgers, watermelon, and about 1,000 desserts that the neighbors insist that there shouldn’t be any leftovers, and who am I to be un-neighborly??? Plus, in the winter, its impossible to keep up with everyone, having a summer get together is perfect.
Duluth and surrounding areas have a variety of events happening.
If you are in Superior and need an event, the YMCA is hosting! Find the details here.
The city of Duluth has a great resource for you to check if someone on your street has already started an event. Check it out here. Don’t see your street? Sign up here! Super easy!
NNO is great, and it’s a good launch pad for continuing relationships- and we have the space for the conversation to continue- our Comunitiy + Conversation Facebook group is built for this. We are so excited to provide a place for moms in the Duluth and surrounding areas to connect with one another, and love building a sense of community among moms in the area! Our Mombassadors plan monthly Moms Night Outs (MNO) and play dates, which can be found under the Events tab at the top of the group. ALL group members are invited and welcome to attend! If you meet other moms with things in common/kids around the same age and decide to plan your own play-date, great! That’s what this group is a for and we’re happy you are all connecting with each other.
If you meet some mom-neighbors-new friends at NNO, let us know on the FB page, and we hope it’s the beginning of a beautiful new friendship!
Enjoy NNO, and we here at DMB hope you have a great time connecting with your neighbors!!