Eric Franklin, the owner of XMT-3 Training, recently asked Duluth Moms Blog to pick a few of our writers join him on an 8-week personal training journey at his downtown gym (located on First Street). At first, we all balked a little, worried about putting ourselves out there in a pretty vulnerable way. Everyone has body insecurities and it’s tough to imagine facing them head on in a personal, one-on-one training and then writing about it for a public blog. In the end, we had several brave writers volunteer–the promise of a more disciplined workout regime trumped fears–and we had to narrow it down to two moms.
We sent Brandi and Missy to Eric’s gym to begin their sessions. Check out their thoughts below.
I am that girl.
That girl who signs up for gym memberships but never utilizes them. This is embarrassing to admit, but I had a gym membership for around 4 years at one of those franchise places and guess how many times I used it? 15, if that. When I did go, it was mainly to tan. So perfect, I was tossing money out the window and potentially getting skin cancer at the same time. At $40 per month for 4 years… well, you do the math. Do you know how many carts I could have filled at Target with that amount of money?
I wanted to work out. I had every intention to work out. But I just never knew what to do or where to start. I would panic when I tried a new machine that was unfamiliar, and I felt like everyone was watching my every move. I ended up leaving frustrated almost every time.
You can imagine how lucky I felt when I was asked by Duluth Moms Blog to participate in an eight week personal training regimen with Eric Franklin of XMT-3 Training and then write about my experience. Before my first session, I may have stalked him on Facebook to see what I was dealing with. My first impression? “Holy smokes, this guy is huge!” Episodes of The Biggest Loser were running through my mind and all I could picture was him yelling at me while I sobbed on a treadmill ready to die. I’m not gonna lie, I was nervous for our first training session. BUT! I didn’t die you guys. I’m here 8 weeks later, stronger, fitter and a waist size or two down. (I may have gained one since Thanksgiving, but shhhhhh.)
With a convenient downtown location and ample places to park on the street near the gym, XMT-3 Training was exactly what this girl needed! As soon as I walked in the door, I was greeted by the biggest, most genuine smile. Eric has an easy way of making every client feel important. He’s always asking about your day, your weekend, and your well-being. He genuinely cares and it shows.
The gym is the perfect size with just the right amount of equipment to get the job done. Eric is a wonderfully positive motivator and knowledgeable about what exercises work specific to your needs. Was the experience hard? Yes. But dare I say…“a fun hard.” My friend Missy was also picked for the experience, so we had tons of laughs while we worked. We focused on strength training in our 8 weeks instead of cardio (yaaaaay!) so some of the lifting was tough, but the results don’t lie. I haven’t seen this much definition in my arms since I was carrying around two toddlers 5 years ago. Sure, there are few exercises he has you do that prohibits you from walking the next day (kidding!.. or am I?) but who doesn’t want stronger and more defined muscles?
Maybe you have a gym membership somewhere else. If so, Eric will still work with you and teach you how to utilize your time spent there to get the best results. He will also teach you how to log your food so you can keep track of the things you eat and drink that may be hindering your progress. Eric is kind and motivating but not afraid to hold you accountable if you are serious about weight loss or muscle gain.
If you are thinking of doing something for yourself but don’t know where to start, call up Eric at XMT-3 Training!
I know that I should workout more, but who has time? Right? We are all so busy that the though of adding in a workout seemed impossible, but then I was asked to participate in an 8-week training course with Eric at XMT-3 I thought, “Great! Why not?”
It was a new and different way to workout and I wanted to start it with a positive attitude, hoping to have fun and get serious about my health at the same time. Strength training was a whole new ball game for me. I had no idea what to expect. I seriously thought that Eric was going to kick my butt and I wouldn’t be able to walk straight for days! Previously, I had only ever done cardio-style workouts so I was expecting to sweat like crazy, and having to carry myself home on noodle legs.
But I found that I really enjoyed the strength training workouts. It’s all about heavier lifting, repetition, and breaks in-between. It’s nothing like a cardio workout. It was challenging for sure, but I never felt like I couldn’t do it. I walked away from each session feeling accomplished and a little bit stronger each week. Eric does a great job at keeping you on track and motivated during the work out. He pushed me to new levels of fitness I didn’t think I could do. After our session was up I felt much stronger, had more definition in my arms and legs and had lost several inches overall. I recommend everyone give strength training a try. I thought it was much more enjoyable than cardio and I saw results much faster!
We recently caught up with Eric for an exclusive sneak peek at his studio and a first hand look at one of his workouts. Join us for a behind the scenes Q + A with Eric from XMT-3!
We are live with our partner Eric with XMT-3!!!! So excited to share his space, get all your questions answered, and a show off a quick and effective workout! 💪🏼
Posted by Duluth Moms Blog on Thursday, August 31, 2017