Sara Strand

Sara Strand
Sara is a stay home mom (not a regular mom, a “cool” mom) of two teenagers and two elementary grade kids, who is always stressed out because one has their driver's license, one is a free spirit, one is fearless, and one is always in the clouds. In her “free time”, she is a book reviewer, dance mom, true crime podcast junkie, Dateline/Keith Morrison fan club devotee, and an Amniotic Fluid Embolism survivor. Always honest and sometimes funny, you can also find her at her blog, Stranded in Chaos (, where she shares good (and not so good) books, tales from mom life, recovery and life after birth trauma, and livin’ la vida loca after 40ish.
Parents and children of all races sitting in a circle with teachers at school

Involved or No? Establishing a Good Relationship With a Teacher and School

I almost feel unqualified to write this because I am not a teacher. I wanted to be a teacher but for various reasons, I...

Is Iowa a Lame Family Road Trip Destination?

Our family of 6 loves a good road trip. This year though, we weren’t sure where to go. Trip Option A was to go...

Back to School: We Can Rock This

There are two kinds of parents: ones who never want summer to end and those who would love year round school (maybe with a...
mindfulness duluth mom

Practicing Mindfulness: DIY Calm Down Jars For Everyone

Mindfulness is a trending topic lately, have you noticed? This past year has shaken a lot of lives, and in some moments it has...
Duluth screen free road trip

Screen-Free Road Trips with All of the Kids

If you’ve flown recently or have even looked at the prices of flights, you know the total cost is a punch to the gut....
parenting teens Duluth

Navigating the Teenage Sea Part 2 : Tips from an Almost Professional Mom

I feel like it is almost premature to give you my tips because I'm not done with the teen years, yet. I literally just...
Duluth teenager hormone sea

Navigating the Teenage Hormone Sea Terrified: Part 1

I vaguely remember having my first daughter and I was straight terrified. I had never held a baby much less taken care of one....

Get Through the Winter Doldrums When you Despise the Outdoors

Doldrums: a state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or depression. Doesn't this sound exactly like winter in the Twin Ports? I know I am...

Quarantine is Not the Best of Me

I know I’m not special. I know I am not the only one struggling in this weird coronavirus quarantine haze we keep finding ourselves...

Simple Storage Solutions For Stuff You Have No Idea What To Do With

Raise your hand if you are forever looking for the other mitten that matches the one your child is demanding to wear. Or maybe...