Colleen McDonald

Colleen McDonald
Colleen is both a biological mom and a not so evil stepmom. Like many mothers, she was a perfect one before she had any children. She looks forward to sharing her not so perfect journey with other moms.

Have Your Cake and Photograph It Too: Tips I Learned from a Professional Food...

I’ve minimized my sock drawer, twice. I've burned through the stack of books I was planning to reading “someday” and now that I am...

Smile and Say Cheese: The Day I Found A Mouse In My Car

I drive a Lexus. Wait, DON’T STOP READING! This isn’t something I want to l brag about, trust me! My Lexus isn’t what you probably...

When Because I Said So Doesn’t Work Anymore: Offering Advice as Kids Get Older

I remember when my older brother had his first child. He called me with the good news and said, “Now I know how you...

An Open Letter to My Only Child: Life Will Never Be The Same

Dear Son, In three months… in three weeks… now we are down to counting only three days. You hold up your hand in an OK...

How to Name a Baby When You Hate Everybody

  Ok, the title is a little misleading, I don't hate EVERYONE, but I didn't realize how many people I didn't like when I started...

Lie To Your Kids and Other Practical Time-Saving Tips for Not So Perfect Moms

Before my husband and I were married we were required to meet with our priest for several premarital preparation courses. We learned a number...