Chelsey Slack
Meet Change, My New Best Friend
Just over two weeks ago, I fractured my left foot in two places. I was kickboxing in my garage and simply tripped. Who knew...
The Art of Apologizing
During this stay-at-home order over the past several weeks, I’m going to admit it’s been a daily challenge to maintain my patience—especially before my...
5 Tips for Building Up Resiliency
It’s been said, “If your marriage can survive building a house together, then it can survive anything.” This quote came to mind this morning...
Follow the Rainbow: Finding My Way Through a Career Change
Last September while driving around town I saw a double rainbow twice in the same day. I posted the images I snapped on my...
Oh, The Weather Out There is Frightful
On these cold weather days it is easy for me to question why I live here in Duluth, Minnesota. I’m sure there are others...
Our Annual Trip to the Duluth Winter Village
“It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…” I thought upon entering the Winter Village at the Glensheen Mansion this past Saturday. The earthy...
FORO: Fear of Retail Outlets
It’s early Saturday morning. For some reason I can’t sleep past 5am. I have "monkey brain" as a friend calls it. Round and round...
The Privilege of Parenting (And Other Life Responsibilities)
This week while driving my four-year-old home from preschool we start to talk about TV and why it’s not always healthy for our brains....
An Open Letter to My Birth Daughter: An Adoption Story
If only... what if... Everyone has a story that often comes with regrets. But in this story there is no regret, only courage and...
Choosing Joy: A Dog, A Stick, and Disco Therapy
As the fall season approaches I am cherishing these warm and sunny 60-degree mornings here in Duluth. As I write this, I’m lucky enough...