As a stay-at-home mom, I can say some days motherhood is quite lonely. There are days where my interaction with other adults is minimal. Which is why, on those days, I am especially grateful that social media gives me at least a small way to connect with other moms. It’s nice to know there are other moms out there going through the same hard things. Or better yet, there are moms out there who have survived the hard stage I feel stuck in!
So often social media gets a bad reputation. Understandably so, as there are negative aspects to any form of social media. Maybe it’s constantly playing the comparison game while scrolling through your feed, or getting sucked into some of the negativity that lurks in comments or letting it take up too much of our valuable time. But I think there are also many positive aspects to social media as well. After all, it’s simply a tool, and it used for good or bad.
Below are some of the good things that I think social media can provide. These things help me focus on the positive parts of social media rather than getting sucked into the negative or harmful parts.
When you are scrolling through the influence posts on your feed, be sure you are looking at them with the right perspective. It can be so easy to start playing the comparison game with what other people post. Instead of going down that negative spiral of comparison, just change your perspective. Look to your feed for inspiration. Celebrate others and learn from them.
Maybe you need some inspiration in areas like meal planning, home decor, parenting tips or activities for your kids. In some way, shape or form there is something that can inspire you on social media. There are countless groups out there that offer tips or ideas in a specific area. There are also countless individuals (whether they are a famous influencer or just a friend of yours) who could provide you fresh ideas.
Don’t look to these places and feel discouraged or like you could never create a meal plan like this person or decorate a room like that person. Be inspired! Try it! Don’t be afraid to take your own spin on something to make it work. When you don’t give in to the urge to compare it frees you instead to get creative and try new things. And inspiration is productive where comparison often leads to frustration.
Another positive aspect of social media is the encouragement. When you surround yourself with positive friends and influences then encouragement comes naturally. In some ways it’s a bit of a two way street. When you are encouraging to others (in in-person relationships and on social media) then it’s more likely that the same encouragement will be shown to you. I’ve found it doesn’t take a lot to show a bit of positive encouragement, even a simple comment or message can mean a lot. But it’s all those little things that build an encouraging environment.
As a mom with young kids I see how social media helps me stay connected. I can share life with friends, both near and far, all very easily. I am so thankful for how social media has helped me stay connected and also get connected with mamas in my own area. I’m a transplant to the Duluth area and I didn’t know a single person when we moved here. I slowly began to meet moms and then was able to grow my connections even more when the Duluth Moms Blog was born. I’ve met so many wonderful moms and a lot of that is thanks to social media!
Of course moms need more than just connection through social media, but it’s a start and can be a huge help! If you feel like you are lacking in finding inspiration, encouragement, or connection on social media let me suggest you getting more connected with the Duluth Moms Blog! There are a few areas to connect:
Follow @Duluthmomsblog on Facebook
Join Duluth Moms Community & Conversations Group
Follow @Duluthmoms on Instagram and Twitter