Masked Meet-Up for Moms!

Masked Meet Up - Featured Image

We don’t know about you, but we’re going to be honest for a moment: this fall has been pretty rough. Between the uncertainty of an ongoing pandemic, the constant bombardment of political punditry, fluctuating work and school commitments that require flexibility and a steep learning curve… phew! We’re just flat out exhausted.

While ongoing engagement in your home and community is important, so is your health–and not just as it relates to coronavirus and the cold and flu season! So we invite you to set aside all the worries and unease of a trying time and join us in some good old fashioned pampering fun.

You are invited to join us for some self-care and connection with other moms in the Northland!

Who :: All Moms!
What :: Charcoal face masks, clean beauty, and connection!
Where :: This event is virtual – In your own home through Zoom
When :: Sunday October 25th 8:00pm-8:40pm
Cost:: $5
Duluth mom, Chelsea, will share how to apply your charcoal mask and also about how clean beauty has changed her mom life. We will all start out in the main meeting room together, and then after we apply our masks together, we will randomly divide everybody into smaller meeting rooms where you will be able to connect with a smaller group of local moms.
Its almost like a blind-date, maybe you will leave with a scheduled play date or a phone number of a new mom friend!
**Each event guest will receive a Mama necklace and a Charcoal mask sample in the mail prior to October 25th. If you already have a mask at home that you love, feel free to use that instead.

*Disclaimers: There are NO ticket refunds. Additionally, everyone that registers for a ticket will be subscribed to our email list (if they have not been already) in order to provide the most timely and up to date event info. Photos will be taken at the event and of attendees for use on Duluth Mom website and on social media by Duluth Mom and sponsors. Purchase of a ticket signifies your consent to have your picture taken and used in future promotions.

Meet Chelsea - Clean Beauty Queen!

Chelsea Dobs is a local wedding and elopement photographer, and mama to one sweet little boy. Check out how clean face products have changed her life in her blog post titled “My Journey to Non-Toxic Beauty.”

She is so excited to chat with you all during the Zoom event! She’ll even show you how to apply your mask, so no need to feel intimidated!

First 5 to reserve their spot will receive this makeup sponge applicator and Lip Milk from All the Rage with Anna Raprager – Indpendent Maskara beauty artist.  All moms will receive a “mama” necklace and charcoal face mask sample!

Get Your Tickets Now!

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We can not wait to see you! 

Check out more upcoming events here.

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Andrea Jang
A lake girl at heart, Andrea is thrilled to be a Duluthian! She lives in the Hillside with her husband, daughter (plus two angel babies that are with them in spirit), and two rescue pups. As a bi-racial and multicultural family, they have hopes and dreams of visiting her husband’s family in South Korea someday soon. Tiny joys that make her heart happy include: doodling, searching for sea glass, coffee with friends, fiber art, plants, a good vintage thrift find, music and great food & drinks. She also finds purpose in serving on the Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Justice (DEIJ) committee at her daughter’s school, and also on City Mom Collective’s Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) committee. You will find her building community, connections and friendships in the northland as the owner of Duluth Mom. She invites you to visit her on Instagram or on LinkedIn.