Kristina Leonard
Simple Tips for Transitioning to a Zero Waste Lifestyle
For the past several decades, about 50% of our plastic waste, such as single use food packaging (chip bags, yogurt containers, fruit containers, etc.)...
Our Journey with Plagiocephaly, or Flat Head Syndrome
Our son was about 2 months old when I noticed that he had a flat head. It was jarring at first. It looked like...
The Reluctant-Turned-Enthusiastic Exerciser
I’m just in the door and the twins race to greet me and begin climbing over one another to be the first to get...
The Touch Tank
Have you had one of those days (or even weeks) where it feels like you’re constantly being touched by a least one of your...
Why Halloween Stresses Me Out
Halloween has all the markers of a fun and exciting holiday. We can dress in costume and adorn our homes with spooky decorations. There...
An Alternative Way to Shower a Mother-To-Be
Any time a new baby is added to a family, it is worthy of celebration. However, when the expectant mother is not a first...
Picturing Motherhood: The Daydream Vs. The Reality
When I pictured in my head what it would be like to be a mom, I imagined myself sitting in a comfortable chair with...
A Guide to Responsibly Disposing Household Items
The birds are chirping, the trees are budding, and the sun is shining. Spring has finally decided to grace us with its presence. Can...
A Style All Her Own
Up until about 9 months ago, my daughter would wear any outfit that I picked out for her. She didn’t pass much remark on...
“Gotta Go, Gotta Go” and Other Common (and Embarrassing) Urinary Issues
I hear about them on a daily basis. Bladders that leak, burn, spasm, and overall misbehave. Symptoms can range in severity from simply annoying...