
Three years ago, Tonya would have never imagined answering to the name of Grandma, at the age of 40, but that was before she met her husband, Tom. They have a blended family with 8, yup 8 children from age 10-28, with a 5 year-old granddaughter, a 1 year-old grandson and a 3 month granddaughter. She's grateful that she has found her tribe in Duluth. Through her fitness journey, she launched her own wellness coaching business, SchillerLand Wellness to help other women learn to love their bodies through fitness, nutrition and personal development. She, along with a couple of friends are launching a new food service business opening in April 2018. Check out my Facebook page SchillerLand Wellness for more information.

I Love You… Now Go Away: Setting Healthy Boundaries in Marriage

I love my husband. He’s my best friend, my confident, and the person I want to fall asleep next to most nights (when I’m...

Creating a Positive Self Image for My Daughter

Sorry, not sorry, for all the transformation posts on my Facebook page.  You see, I'm not doing it for attention or all the comments--positive or...

Learning to Take Time for Me

Something happened to me in 2017, I woke up one day and realized how unhappy I was. I couldn't put my finger on why....

Experiencing a Holiday Wonderland at the Glensheen

Every time we drive by the Glensheen Mansion on London Road in Duluth, my daughter tells me,  "In my whole twelve years of living I...

Learning to Be Grateful

During the month of November, I always see an emphasis on gratitude and thankfulness. It gets me thinking, what can we as parents do...

It’s Week Three of 5th Grade and We Switched Schools

Parenting - I knew it would come with a lot of hard decisions and hard days. I knew it would involve little sleep and...

How I Took Control of My Life with Meal Planning

Kids yelling "MOM - What's for dinner tonight? What? I don't like that!"  "MOM, I'm starving and I have to be at hockey in...

Helping a Loved One Navigate Life after Losing Someone to Suicide

Suicide: before January, it was just a word, a word that in and of itself held so much pain. And then, I got a...
Oh Those Middle School Years | Duluth Moms Blog

Oh Those Middle School Years

My daughter is starting middle school this year. She is so excited - excited for being able to switch classes, meet new friends, get...
I Will Survive the Tween Years and My Daughter Will Too | Duluth Moms Blog

I Will Survive the Tween Years and My Daughter Will Too

The Tween Years. The ages between 8-12, where they are not quite a teenager but not a child either. suggests it can be a wildly exciting...