Kim Oppelt

Kim Oppelt
A native northern Minnesotan, Kim lives in Duluth with her husband Chad and two kids, Maria (10) and Thomas (7). Kim works for an ed tech company based in Washington DC where she has a passion for college and career readiness. Kim loves to haul her kids to all of their activities and work on her non-profit providing teachers with innovative grants. She is currently completing her doctorate in educational leadership. When she can sneak some free time, Kim loves spending time on Island Lake, going to happy hour, and spending time with family and friends.

To My Daughter, On Her First Day of Middle School

Dear Daughter, Just like every August, we’ve done everything we need to do: bought new shoes, gathered new school supplies, and spiffed up the school...

Managing Screen Time in the Summer (Without Losing Your Mind)

It’s summer, and in our house, inevitably it’s time for the age-old question: “Can I play video games?” And it’s not just video games....

Confessions of a Work from Home Mom

Going through college and graduate school, I never EVER imagined that I’d work from a home office. Being a very social person, I always...

Papa Murphy’s Helps Out on Hockey Night

Hockey Moms Need Help Hockey moms are compared to so many things - grizzly bears, pit bulls, you name it. But if I had to...

When You’re a Mom in an Era of School Shootings

One of the most vivid memories I have is driving my daughter to school on December 17, 2012. As we pulled up to the...

5 Reasons Outdoor Hockey is the Best Hockey

For just a few short months, community centers all across the city transform into something unique to the bold north: the outdoor skating rink....
A New Addition to our Christmas Bucket List: The Candlelight Tour at Glensheen | Duluth Moms Blog

A New Addition to our Holiday Bucket List: Candlelight Christmas Tour at Glensheen

After living in Duluth for almost 10 years, I had assumed we had done it all at Christmas time - Bentleyville, Christmas City Express, the Christmas City of the North Parade, all of the countless markets - I could go on and on. We’ve driven around to the best-lit neighborhoods and we have all of our traditions mapped out by the time October hits. We know this Christmas city like the back of our hand. But imagine my surprise when we happened upon a new tradition to add to the list: Candlelight Christmas Tour at Glensheen Mansion.

Dear Friend, I’m Still Here

Within two weeks of each other, two of my closest friends lost their parents. It was a hectic time, full of tears, anticipation, and...

Why Every High School Senior Should Complete the FAFSA

I remember it like yesterday, and working in the college readiness field, I think about it all the time. I was obsessed with my...

The Day My Kid Quit My Favorite Sport

It sounds dramatic, but she knew how important the sport was to me. We had traveled to shows, competitions, and exhibitions. We have spent more money than I even want to imagine. I was even on the board of directors for the skating club. She knew. I knew. So last week, I told her I was behind her 100%. With tears in her eyes and some trepidation, she ended it. And you know what? The world didn’t end.