Kelly Grgas Wheeler
When the Early Childhood Milestones Crawl
If your kids have aced every early developmental milestone, then you’re probably going to have a hard time relating to this post. I love...
Ruminating the Academic Redshirt
As I watched everyone head back to school in September, it got me thinking about my own sons who turned three in the middle...
Adjusting World Cup Expectations To Reflect Our Children’s Reality
I think I might have been one of those parents the other day. You know, someone who annoyingly thinks that their kids are the...
Raising Boys to Appreciate Girls Can Be Golden
After dinner the other night, one of my sons told me to look at the gold medal around his neck. There wasn’t actually a...
A Salute to My Children’s Cheerleaders
Sometimes I have to take a deep breathe and give credit where credit is due.
I could never do this alone. Ever. Sometimes I...