Parenting a Blended Family
I was driving to the grocery store with my husband’s daughter one morning. He wasn’t actually my husband then, and she was a squeaky-voiced...
14 Days of Valentines
I’ve been a proponent of holidays for my entire life. I love to decorate and I love to give little gifts to my special...
New Years Resolution: Menu Planning
Studies show that kids who cook with their parents, who actively help create the meal, are more likely to eat it and eat healthier....
Elf on the Shelf for the Tired Mama {FREE Printable}
Love them or leave them, we’re getting close to Elf on the Shelf season, and I, for one am firmly in the love camp.
Embracing Friendship with a Loss Mama
It was winter when I first met Erin, cold and soggy and dark so early. We met at a short-lived evening MOPS meeting. She...
When Potty Training Trains You
And then, like most small humans who aren’t quite ready to use the potty, one day she just stopped cold turkey. She dug her stubborn little heels in and refused to look at that tiny green potty, even with the bribe of that annoying Elmo video. I had been counting down until I no longer had to buy diapers and suddenly we were back on the Huggies train.
What the World Needs Now Is Love
We are deep in the heart of wedding season and our family is preparing to welcome a new sister into the fold, so our...
Why We Don’t Do Summer Sports
It seems as though around the end of April and into the start of May, summer worms its way into my brain. In northern...
What to Read This Summer: A List for Kids and Mamas
Books are a big deal in our house. We have books in just about every room of the house, and not just books, book...
Comparison Is the Thief of Joy
Several years ago, just before our son turned 4, we decided to buy him a bike for his birthday. His group of friends were...