
Having lived in both Missouri and Iowa before coming back to her Minnesota roots 5 years ago, Heather Hefter is right at home on the North Shore. Married for 8 years to the easily the funniest man alive, she is also mama to Abigail, 17, Finneaus, 7 and Eleanor, 2. Aside from chasing small humans and naptime crafting like a boss, she enjoys coffee, martinis and donuts (not necessarily in that order). She can be found sporadically writing about life at https://themamaload.wordpress.com
eating a salad in a bowl

New Year’s Resolution & A Salad for Breakfast

New Year's resolutions are tricky. Too vague and I quit because my goal is unclear. Too planned and I quit when I fail any...

Transitioning Into a Working Mom Gig

My mom was a stay-at-home mom for nearly all of my growing up years. It wasn’t until my youngest sister was about to start...

12 Simple Steps to a More Organized New Year

I know what you’re thinking right now. 12 simple steps?! Is this lady lacking some vital nutrients that supply her brain with actual working...

In Defense of Pacifiers

Our now 3 year old loved her pacifiers with a devotion that is usually reserved for marriage or boy bands. My pre-mom persona was never...

Dearest Fresh Loss Mama

Dearest Fresh Loss Mama: I want you to know that I see you trying to not make eye contact right now. Your smile is...

Life as a Pie Crust

In my mind, pie crust seems like it would be the simplest thing to make: flour, a little bit of salt, some butter or...

Preparing for Adventure: Packing a Summer Survival Kit

As Minnesotans, we know how to pack a car for the winter months; a winter survival kit, if you will. There’s always a small...

5 Tips for Traveling with Kids This Summer

Our summer vacation started the winter before. I needed a book to read out loud to my kids, who were six and not quite two...

Eschewing Big Birthday Blowouts: Why We Opt for Family Celebrations Instead

My daughter, who will be 3 very soon, was invited to her first birthday party recently for one of her sweet little friends. She...

I Don’t Want to Yell

We’re on the tail end of spring break and man, it was a doozy this year! Not because we didn’t have fun. We had some...