
Gina is an mom, an entrepreneur, a lover of coffee and essential oils and dry white wine. She tackles life with a sarcastic and often self-deprecating sense of humor but that is often for pure shock value. She likes to make people laugh and preaches seeing the good in every single human being she comes across. Being a mom is a challenge for her; the Groundhog-day, hamster-on-a-wheel, having to be consistent and repeat the same thing hundreds of times per day is not really one of her strengths so it's a struggle. You can read more from her at Magpie Morning, follow her on Instagram at You can read more from her on Instagram or friend her on Facebook at Facebook.
Easter baskets

Top 6 Easter Basket Ideas

Easter is sneaking up on us and I'm starting to pull together my Easter Basket Ideas. When our littlest was a baby, the Easter...

My Baby is Harder Than Your Baby

I have three children. A daughter who is almost 11 and two sons, one who is 9 and one who is 6. I cried...

The Nasty Nines

He argues with me at every turn. He's rude, argumentative, moody and confrontational about everything. It feels like there is constantly rage bubbling under...

A DIY Girl Tackles a Kitchen Remodel

We bought our house almost nine years ago. With it came a whole lot of late 90s cherry and oak wood and a whole...

The Sandwich Generation

Sandwich Generation: A generation of people (usually in their 30s or 40s) who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children. Becoming a...

Mommy Days

“You're gonna miss this.” “The days are long but the years are short.” I started out motherhood believing these little pieces of advice. I held my kids tight...

A Succulent Infatuation

My succulent infatuation is strong. Last summer, most of my hanging baskets and deck plants contained succulents in some way, shape or form. My...
Spring Break Travel Essentials | Duluth Moms Blog

Spring Break Travel Essentials

I’ve started gathering stuff for Spring Break. I’m a shopper. I don’t necessarily keep everything I order but I like the chase. My "Me...


I pack their lunches with my face half-plastered to my obnoxiously large phone most mornings. More days than not, when they come bounding in...


Two years ago, we proclaimed independence from the man (read: decided to stay home for Thanksgiving instead of traveling to see family), and I...