Ashley Klingsheim
How to Annoy a Pregnant Woman in Her 3rd Trimester
Pregnancy is a unique and special time. There are so many things I love about being pregnant. Feeling kicks and knowing my body is...
To My Babies I Never Held
Dear babies,
My heart will never forget you. While I have three babies here with me, I think of and remember the two of you...
Preparing Your Firstborn for a New Baby
Currently I am pregnant with our 3rd child. Which means my oldest daughter has experienced me being pregnant before. She is 3.5 years old,...
My Road to Becoming a Homeschooling Mama
The question of education can be a difficult and sensitive one for parents. Parents wants to give their kids the best education and see...
How We Survive Road Trips With Little Ones, and No DVD Player
Road trips can be long and boring, and adding kids can make them difficult. Since we have family spread all over the large state...
My 5 Essentials for Breastfeeding
I have been blessed to have successful breastfeeding experiences with both of my girls. It was not always a pleasant or easy experience, but...
My Epidural Experience
I am a sucker for birth stories. When I see a birth story blog I read it. If a friend of mine has recently...
Hope and Hurt: Pregnancy After Loss
Pregnancy can be hard. You have the combination of pregnancy hormones, morning sickness, food aversions/cravings, all of the physical changes that come with growing...
Conquering Clutter One Toy at a Time
I know it's not true, but sometimes I feel like my kids' toys must be expanding, multiplying, and growing. I am not even sure...
Tips to Babywear with Confidence
Being a new mom can be overwhelming. There are so many decisions to make for you and your baby starting almost right after you...