Ashley Klingsheim

Ashley Klingsheim
Ashley is a Stay At Home Mom to 4 kids who also happens to homeschool. Her days include a lot of diapers, snacks, books, and tears but those are all part of motherhood. When she is not handling all the responsibilities of being a mom Ashley enjoys connecting with other moms, especially if a good cup of coffee is involved. You can also find her reading any number of books or sneaking chocolate when her kids aren't looking.

Get Outside! {Free Downloadable Fall Scavenger Hunt}

I know everyone has their favorite season, and for me hand's down it's Fall. Sure, I enjoy the warm lazy days of Summer, but there is just something about Fall that I makes me giddy

Goal Setting for the Busy Mom

I will be honest with you, I am not really a fan of resolutions. But last year for one of the first times in...
a young boy standing with his eyes closed and his hands crossed over his heart looking peacful

Teaching and Practicing Gratitude

I think it's a common thing for parents to want to instill an attitude of gratitude in their kids. Especially since November has arrived...

Questions to Ask When Considering Homeschooling

There are so many things we've had to do differently thanks to Covid-19, including education. Distance learning threw a lot of parents a big...

Inspiring Creative Play: Principles to Apply

As a mom, I often want encourage more creative play for my kids. When the colder months roll around it can be easy to...

Tips for Avoiding Burnout as a Homeschool Mom

I am a stay-at-home mom to 5 kids and I also homeschool. I really love that I get to stay home and that I...

Managing Multiple Ages While Homeschooling

Homeschooling is different from a public school setting in many different ways. Instead of getting into all of those differences, I'm just going to...

Staying Social While Homeschooling

One of the top questions I get asked about homeschooling is, "But what about socialization?" Or, "How do your kids socialize?" The concern about...

You Want to Homeschool, Now What?

Making the decision to homeschool is a big deal. It is a huge choice to make for your family and it can feel overwhelming....

Being an Influential Mom in an Influencer Culture

I can’t speak for you, but personally I’ve totally been influenced by an influencer on social media. I’ve swiped up. Made a purchase. Read...