
“You’re eccentric, Mom.” A short evaluation of Michele from her awesome daughter at age eleven. Hannah is twenty three now and Michele happily reports (not without a wry smile) that all three of her offspring inherited a bit of eccentricity all their own! Success! Her children grew to be fun individuals with delightful quirks that allow them to have more grace for their parents. Michele is mom to Hannah, Caleb (27) and Josh (25). Michele works in radio and best friend/hubby Jeff, still can’t figure out how she hasn’t used up all her words yet! She lives on twenty acres and feels slightly ashamed that she doesn’t garden or pickle anything. She tried knitting once. Simply put: scarf shame. Instead she reads books, writes in her journal, meets with friends, sings in church, acts sometimes in plays and plows their driveway in winter. She volunteers at Essentia Health and enjoys mentoring others.

A Hand Forward and A Hand Back

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin “I feel so good when I’m pregnant,” said...

Sometimes Hope is a Pinprick of Light

"The Light shines in the darkness..." Book of John "Whoo!  That was a good one."  "Yeah--you made it!"  The gigantic tree lit our living room in...

Excuse the Mess, but We Live Here

"Excuse the mess, but we live here."  -Rosanne Barr So, back when my kids were little…wait.  Is anyone still with me?  Back in the mid-90s...