Ashley Klingsheim
Well, I Can Do That Better Than You!
My daughter is 4.5 and loves the fact that the neighbor boy is only a few months older than her. They play outside as...
Ditching Labels: Viewing Ourselves and Others on a Deeper Level
Labels are everywhere. They're on clothes, food, toys, furniture, blankets, and more. Most of these labels are good! A few month ago we found...
From Surviving to Thriving
I think most mamas who have had a child for any amount of time have had a conversation similar to one that follows:
A friend...
My Favorite Gender Reveal
You buy a test. You pee on the stick. Wait, for what feels like the longest 2 minutes ever. Then you see those two...
Sometimes I Lose It: When Moms Yell
I never really thought of myself as having a bad temper. I can’t really yell; my voice just isn’t made for it. I am...
Makeup? No Thanks.
I have a confession: I don’t wear makeup.
Scratch that, I don’t even own makeup. It’s been years since a stick of eyeliner, tube of...
5 Things My Baby Survived Without
I vividly remember holding each of my girls for the first time. It's hard to put that moment into words. But all of a...
4 Tips to Keep Date Night Alive, Without Leaving the House
I know that making time for my husband and our relationship is important. Before we had kids, date nights were more frequent and simpler...
Celebrating a December Birthday
When we first started telling people I was pregnant with our firstborn naturally the first question was, “When are you due??” To which we...
Spread Kindness This Season
Ready or not, November is here. Which means you have probably already started thinking about the holidays. I know I am already looking forward...