
Anna sheepishly admits she may be the messiest member of her busy family of six. Her patient husband Nathanael, of sixteen years, has learned to live with her messy downfalls. After meeting at UMD, the two were quickly engaged, and married a year later. Young and in love, they began growing their family. Before the age of 30, Nathanael and Anna had 3 biological boys and an adopted daughter; Isaac, Lincoln, Samuel, and Amilia Bailey. Take a step back into the 1950’s, and that’s what you’ll see in their Lakeside neighborhood. Families share meals and kids play pickup games of ball. Anna is passionate about building community like this, and investing in her amazing city! Now, back to the mess. Anna, is a creative to the core, and organization falls short on her list. Her teenage boys seem to keep things in order more than she does. Somehow in the midst of her creative chaos, Anna runs her own business making and selling re-claimed art and furniture. Sawdust is her girl glitter, and power tools her best friends. She is also is a singer-songwriter, and you may just catch her singing at the local pub or pizza place. Instagram Facebook

Treasures from the Dump

Now, the dump is not only a place to find piles of pallets and boards. You're probably reading this and thinking, what in the world am I going to do with a pile of scrap wood? Well, let me tell you. The DUMP has so much more to offer. It's one of my favorite places to shop in town.

DIY: Simple Coatrack

Calling all ladies who want to complete a project and have it STAY that way.  Meals. Laundry. Cleaning. NEVER stay done. But this will! Let's get...

Don’t Hijack Our “Minnesota Nice”

Let's talk community. com·mu·ni·ty kəˈmyo͞onədē/ noun a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. a feeling of fellowship with...

Vintage Parenting in a Modern World

Pinterest is blowing up with everything vintage and repurposed. Go ahead, search the word. Just try it. I did.  Up popped pictures of exquisite jewelry...

Adoption: Mountain and Valley, Part 2

The most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on was now my daughter, Amilia Degenesh Bailey.  You can read more about our picture...

Adoption: Mountain and Valley

In honor of November being National Adoption Awareness month, I would love to share our adoption journey with you in two parts; the mountain...