Slow Sundays. We just had one this last weekend, after a busy Saturday, and it was glorious. We did get out of the house for a few things, but when we were home, we didn’t let anything dictate our day. (Except nap time, I’m not that crazy!)
My favorite moment was the three of us humans snuggled in bed with books while the dog tried to squeeze in too for some love. (He’s huge, he has to squeeze in everywhere in life). The whole afternoon was slow and peaceful. It’s not going to happen every Sunday, but I am sure going to push for it while I can. It’s easier for my husband and I to have slow days. We both enjoy the quieter aspects of our introverted natures. But we can be good at being busy, too. Our daughter is an extrovert, and she loves filling her tank playing with others and being in group settings. It’s hard for me to understand that enjoyment, but we try to encourage it, because it’s who she is.
But she’s also little and gets tired easily. I desire to show her how to slow down, rest intentionally, and allow her day to just unfold. Hopefully when she’s older, she’ll have the ability to do this when needed. Maybe it’s once a month, or more, but she can utilize the rest days and be ready for action the next time.
Our summer wasn’t as busy as it could have been and I loved it. Even now, it’s just me and my shadow home on the week days. I’ve been trying to keep Thursdays a slow day for us, too. I try not to schedule appointments on Thursdays or give us a specific reason to leave the house on a schedule. We fill our quiet days with taking walks and being creative with our toys. I try to keep technology to the quietest and smallest amount possible as well. And I mean, for me, too. I try to hide my phone from myself so that instead of capturing memories, I am living them. She will remember feeling the love, and can live without one day of photos to prove that we did something. We keep our play dates small these days, too. One or two friends that can play, without the cacophony of large groups. Bonus points if mom friend and I can drink coffee together!
Summer and slowing down go hand in hand. The heat, lemonade, and freer schedule can make it easier. But I am hoping that now that it’s fall, I can sustain quiet days in our house throughout the cooler months. But check back with me. I may regret the slowness come January when it’s -30 and there are 400 inches of snow on the ground! We’ll be climbing the walls!
What are some ways you slow down as a family? I love suggestions. Let me know what you use to create slow moments in this busy, hectic world.