It’s Time for a Dose of Self-Compassion


The other day when putting away yet another load of laundry—I spotted a gallon-size plastic bag full of old pictures. I pulled this bag out of my husband’s messy sock drawer and set it aside knowing I wanted to sit down and go through them on another day. I love a good reminiscing sesh—especially on a Friday or Saturday night—in which I did exactly that. 

Sitting down on the carpet in my master closet, I opened up the bag and scanned through the various prints (yes, printed pictures!). I was nearly in tears looking at some of my baby pictures, and giggling at the other ones of me in high school and of my husband in high school with his long, blond hair. 

I spotted one of my two sisters and myself as teenagers on one of the many Florida trips that we took as a family growing up. Such great memories of running and exploring on the beaches of Fort Meyers, Florida. Gosh, we didn’t care in the world—and oh, we loved sneaking away to meet boys. Of course, our parents found out and we were nearly all grounded on vacation! That sure wasnt the last time we would make a mistake as teenagers. Side note, doesn’t the 90’s feel like a lifetime ago these days? 

Now, when was the last time that you really laughed at yourself? 

When was the last time that you looked at yourself through the lens of self-compassion?

When did it become not okay to make mistakes as an adult?

In thinking about myself as a young child, then teenager, young adult and now grown adult—mom, wife, professional, etc.—why did I all of sudden start telling myself that I can’t fail or make mistakes? It seems so long ago when failing was expected of us as teenagers and children. 


I think it’s time for us adults and moms, to look at ourselves again through the lenses of self-compassion—let’s expect failure and in return opportunities for growth! We will continue to make mistakes into adulthood and fail (sometimes pretty bad)—let’s be okay with this. 


Making mistakes is a part of being human. The next time you get into the thinking trap that failing is not okay, recall yourself as a child or teenager, and remember you made mistakes then and will continue to make mistakes until the end of our lives. This is called the human experience.

Remember, no matter what:

You are worthy.

You are loved.

You are supported.

You matter.

Who doesn’t need some encouragement these days? Give yourself the self-compassion you deserve. Then, pass along the compassion and grace to those in your household and community