It’s officially a new year and like everyone, I’m thinking about goals and new beginnings. I’ve recently stopped drinking alcohol (post an over-indulgence on Halloween), and am giving my precious body a break. I’m committing to six months alcohol-free!
I’m also thinking about the last year and recapping the highlights:
- This was my first full year at my new company, Teladoc Health. I was promoted to manager and also nominated to receive a second promotion to senior manager.
- My daughter is in first grade and is well on her way to learning to read (which warms my heart as a writer).
- My husband continues to build amazing homes, having built two new homes for two families. He’s also finished our kitchen and fireplace!
Such amazing accomplishments to celebrate. It’s also hard to forget about the stress of the lingering pandemic. It’s taken a toll on me, like everyone—mentally and physically.
In looking back at pictures over the last one or two years, I’ve noticed some significant hair loss. Normally I am far from being vain or worried about my looks, but my thick long hair has been a part of me since I was in high school. My sisters used to lovingly say all the time, “There goes Chelsey and her hair!” It’s been something I’ve been proud of and have leaned on, “At least I still have my hair.” Well, that shoe has dropped and it’s made a huge thud.
Hair loss is like a right of passage in my family. Thinning hair runs in the family on both sides and so I should be thankful I’ve even had the thickness over the years. But I know I’m not alone. In visiting my hairdresser lately, she enlightened me with the news that many of her customers are coming to her with this same concern. She even said it’s common to lose up to 100 strands of hair daily! Wow. Daily!
So ladies, readers, take notice. If you are like me, losing sleep over lost hair. You are not alone. If you have thick hair, count your blessings and be grateful! Take the time to appreciate what you do have today. I’ve had to remind myself, I am not my hair or the way I look (yes, this sounds elementary). Just like we’ve been taught, it is what’s on the inside what counts.
You (and I) are beautiful no matter how much hair you’ve lost. We’ve all overcome a whole host of stressors this year; so you should be congratulating yourself and call yourself a warrior. You are amazing my friend for just standing on your two feet and plowing forward daily.
I know one thing for sure, my husband, friends and family have not noticed a change in my hair—so I will be trying to pay less attention in this new year, as well.
They love me and I love them, period. Also, don’t forget the basics:
- A roof over your head? Check.
- Warm clothes to wear during the winter? Check.
- Food to eat? Check.
- Support from friends and family? Check.
Those are the things that we are to be grateful for. No. Matter. What. Not everyone can claim these necessities and let’s recognize that.
Although, if you’re in the market for a hair product that helps with volume—I highly recommend Not Your Mother’s dry shampoo spray; look for the “Plump for Joy” type. It works wonders! Your hair will thank you for it. Be kind to yourself and Happy New Year!