Sara Strand
Birds and Bees? More Like Hawks and Hornets: Having The Talk
I have four kids and I remember being so scared to have The Talk with them. I’m not sure why because my parents were never awkward about it with me. They gave me factual...
Get Informed About Instagram
A few months ago we chatted about Snapchat and maybe some of us learned a few things about how kids are using the tech. Hopefully we all went through our children’s phones and had...
Postpartum Maternal Mental Health: What You Need To Know
As a mother of four children, I have had postpartum depression after all four births, but to varying degrees. It was worst with my first and last babies, but any degree of depression is...
Take a break! Chores Are a Good Thing
When I first became a mom, I assumed part of parenting was teaching your child how to succeed in the world, and that meant they learn how to cook, do their laundry, clean, and...
Mom Versus the Lacy Bralette
When I was pregnant with my first child, a daughter, I honestly had no idea what to expect. I had only babysat kids a handful of times and they were already school-aged kids, so...
Today is Amniotic Fluid Embolism Awareness Day
I have four children. I have read nearly every book that talk about pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I have attended every labor and delivery class held in the Duluth/Superior area, I have gone to...
The Low Down on Snapchat
One of the hardest parenting obstacles right now is handling social media and your kids. Do you get them a cell phone? Do you allow them access to social media and online forums? Do...
Morphing Into People: When Kids Grow Up
I remember being pregnant with my first child, Olivia. We lived in a one-bedroom apartment while we scrambled to find our first home to buy and become "real adults." We settled on a small...
Continue Online Learning At Home
We’re in the thick of the school year and some of you might be getting the email that says, “Your child is a joy to have in class but they could really use extra...
Collecting Ornaments: A Holiday Tradition for the New Mom
I’ll start by saying that you can start any of these traditions at any time, but when I was a new mom I really wanted to get Christmas right. I felt a lot of...